The expert middleware for synchronization between Magento and Odoo

    Magento 2 Ready
  • automatically synchronization
  • update safe
  • easily adaptable

  • Odoo 12
  • Odoo 13
  • Odoo 14

  • Magento 1.6 - 1.9
  • Magento 2
  • Odoo Badge v14
More information...
With AiO-Connect we developed the expert interface to connect Magento with any ERP-Systems, like Odoo.

Why AiO-Connect?

Update security
AiO-Connect works automatically an reliable. Other Magento and Odoo Connectors require modifications from Odoo and/or Magento. AiO-Connect is a middleware, this means it gets installed beside Magento and Odoo and there are no installations, in form of modules or extensions needed.

Because of those reasons the AiO-Connect system is really reliable and safe.

AiO-Connect is fast. The product synchronization works with 10 products and 7 orders per second. (depending on you internet connection and the speed of the Odoo server)

Which versions of Odoo and Magento are supported?

At this time Odoo 10, Odoo 11, Odoo 12, Odoo 13 and already Odoo 14 are supported as well as Magento Community from version 1.9 and Magento 2.3 and Magento 2.4. The Magento Enterprise Edition is also supported from version 1.11.

The solution: a new middleware for Magento and ERP´s

A reliable and stable solution offers our middleware System: AiO-Connect. It connects Magento with ERP-Systems. The Magento Shop and the ERP-System are connected over a third Software, which does the synchronization without any integration into one of both systems. so none of those systems has to be changed due add-ons or extensions. This gives you the security of problem-free updates or upgrades. The performance is really good because we are using the existing interfaces (webservices or API).

Odoo - Magento integration: Functions

The Magento and ERP integration takes place through synchronization in both directions:

  • products from Magento to Odoo
  • new products can be created in Magento an Odoo
  • refresh products in Magento and Odoo
  • synchronize the order state from Odoo to Magento 
  • transfer orders from Magento to Odoo
  • transfer discounts into the product or
  • general as seperate „discount-product“
  • transfer packing lists from Odoo to Magento 

How does AiO-Connect work?

E-Commerce and ERP with experience

Since 2004 we are specialized on E-Commerce with ERP integration. Our experience from many different projects takes place in AiO-Connect. Beside the Magento connector to the leading Open Source ERP system Odoo, we successfully connected other ERP systems, like:.

SAP Business One, Navision, Dynamics, Baan, Oracle, abas, Pro Alpha, Plenty Systems, SBH (BITS), Bremer Versandwerk and Amicron Faktura

Adjustable ERP connector for your needs

One really important aspect during the development of AiO-Connect was the maximum of flexibility to accomplish specific project requirements. This software concept allows us, to customize the connector for you and your individual business processes.

Contact us today!

Phone: +49 441 379410-0

Contact us now Kontakt Joshua - +49 441 379410-0